The Chieftain's Letter

December 2008

Dr Robert Boyd I would like to take this opportunity to wish all Society members and their families all the best for the Holiday Season and for 2009. For many of us the last few weeks of 2008 have been challenging, with the post-Ike recovery compounded by the turbulent economic times we find ourselves grappling with now. But with good Scottish grit we'll get through this and we can still find a way to be optimistic about the New Year and maybe even hasten that with a wee dram at Hogmanay!

Wedding Held During November Meeting - a First!

One of the most pleasant surprises of the year came at the Society's November meeting when at the last minute our Secretary Carmelita Orr asked if it would be possible for her to be married during the meeting. A somewhat surprised Sub-Chieftain Reverend Melvyn Douglass agreed to officiate and with the enthusiastic agreement of the members the event duly took place. Fortunately our meetings take place in an Episcopal School and Church, so Mel was able to find a prayer book containing the appropriate texts, and the couple was armed with a valid marriage license. Chieftain and Mrs. Boyd completed the wedding party and handed the rings over safely. So Daniel and Carmelita Orr are now husband and wife (again). They first did this 26 years ago and are now happily reunited. The newlyweds then led off the ceilidh dancing demonstration rehearsal for our Burns Supper. Thanks to Moon Weiss for organizing that.

Next Meeting - Christmas Party Monday December 15

Please bring a dish and a modestly price gift (one per person) for a White Elephant Exchange at the party. Note the earlier than usual date this month to accommodate Christmas, and also that the party will be held in the Ingram Room at St. Thomas this time.

Burns Supper Tickets on Sale to the General Public

The Society's 2009 Burns Supper and Ball will be held on January 24th at the Marriott Westchase. Tickets are now on sale to the general public and I encourage members and friends to obtain their tickets early. An order form is available at Joan McClure, our hard-working ticket manager, advises me that sales are going well. Many of you may know that Joan was one of those particularly hard-hit by Hurricane Ike. Her home is still not back in shape, and she has been quite exhausted by the whole process. Nevertheless she has pitched in as usual to keep on top of ticket sales and above all the tricky problem of table seating.

Tartan of the Month

In honor of our newly-weds Dan and Carmelita Orr the tartan for December is Renfrewshire, the seat of the Orr family. Our webmaster tells me that he could not find an Orr tartan, but if anyone can let us know.

Program for February

At the February 2009 meeting we are going to have a session about the 55-year history of the Heather & Thistle Society. Jack Hume is going to prepare an overview, but the idea is that members should come prepared to talk about their perspective on H&T and everyone is encouraged to bring along memorabilia from past H&T events. There is better news of our Program Chair Gordon Macleod who is recovering from a serious accident. His surgeon tells him that all is healing well and he should be able to get on his feet for the first time during January. Gordon is quite cheerful, and he tells me that he has booked his table for the Burns Supper and fully intends to be there.

Happy Holidays to you all
Robert Boyd

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