Membership in the Heather and Thistle Society is open to all with an interest in Scottish Heritage and Culture. Annual Dues are $15.00 for an individual and $20.00 for a family. We meet on the fourth (4th) Monday of each month, September thru June at 7:30 P.M. We meet in the Auditorium of St. Thomas Episcopal School, 4900 Jackwood St, Houston, Texas 77096 (see map below).
Renew your membership via Credit Card or Check thru PayPal:
If you are interested in joining the Heather and Thistle Society, just download, print and fill out the form. Or, fax to 281-596-4513 or email to
Membership Application:
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PDF version:
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Auditorium of St. Thomas Episcopal School
4900 Jackwood St
Houston, Texas 77096