The Chieftain's Letter
September 2010
- What a sad Aug-Sep for The Heather and Thistle Society! We said "Goodbye
for now" to faithful members: Clayton Deward Baird (d. Aug 11th at age
86); Edward Neil MacAllister 41st Chieftain (1993-94) (d. Aug 13th at age
85.3); Arthur Richard Marshall 32nd Chieftain 1984-85 (d. Aug 26th at age
83.6); and William Alexander Munroe 38th Chieftain 1990-91 (d. Sep 4th at
age 89.9).
- Support their spouses and family members with your letters, phone
calls, and visits!
- A memorial service for Alex Munroe will be held in Houston on Tuesday,
September 21st at 2 PM, in the chapel at
Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church.
- Join with HHGA in their Monday, September 27th FUNraiser at St. Arnold's new
downtown location. H&T member tickets are priced same as HHGA members, and includes food
and open bar.
See the HHGA link at
- Following the success of last year's event, join us for on Sunday, Oct 3rd
for a BBQ
Picnic at the home of Robert and Irene Boyd. Donations for all food,
beverages, and desserts, can be made online at our HHGA webpage:
- New venue for our Saturday, January 29th 2011 Burns Supper!
Tickets will go on sale November 1st. Members
who order and pay for tickets by November 30 will receive preferred table allocation. From December 1 seating will
be on a first-come, first-served basis. This year tickets can be purchased on our website using major credit cards via PayPal. A
PayPal account is not required to purchase tickets.
See details on the 2011 ordering info:
Burns Supper Jan29th
Melvyn Douglass, FSA Scot
58th Chieftain
(832) 305-6044 voice or text
(281) 596-4513 fax
Previous Chieftain's Letters